High-Paying JavaScript Frameworks in 2019

  • By
  • July 30, 2019
  • Angular
High-Paying JavaScript Frameworks in 2019

High-Paying JavaScript Frameworks in 2019

The annual overview of the JavaScript tech market. Our aim is to highlight the learning topics and technologies with the highest potential job

Java Framwork

We’re not attempting to pick what’s best, but instead using a data-driven approach to help you focus on what might actually help you land a job when the interviewer asks you, “Do you know? What is actually being used at scale?”

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. Javascript supports event-driven, Object-based, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles.  JavaScript was initially used only as a client-side scripting language to handle data at client-side and to reduce server load. However, these days JavaScript is used as a server-side programming language as a lightweight runtime environment. In simple words – JavaScript is the language of the web Application.

“ What are JavaScript frameworks and why to use to develop for modern applications? ”

Software frameworks are an abstraction in which software providing generic functionalities which can be selectively changed by additional user-written logic and customized code. JavaScript frameworks are application frameworks written in JavaScript for front-end and back-end web application development where the programmers can manipulate the functions and use them with their requirements.

Frameworks are more adaptable for the web development and designing of web applications and hence, they are preferred by most of the web application developers. JavaScript frameworks are a type of tool that makes working with JavaScript easier, smarter and smoother. These frameworks also make it possible for the programmer to code the application as a device responsive. This responsiveness and quick development is yet another reason why the JavaScript frameworks are quite popular in the web developers when it comes to the question of using a high-level machine language. Let’s have a look at the best JS Frameworks from 2014 to 2019.

Angular ( aka AngularJs )

Angular Java framwork

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Angular – JavaScript Framework

One of the most powerful, efficient, easy to understand, MVC ( aka MVVM, MVW, MV* ) architecture based and open-source JavaScript front-end framework is Angular. This framework is operated and maintained by Google and is basically implemented to use for developing a Single Page Application (SPA). It extends the HTML DOM into the application and interprets the attributes in order to perform data binding and data manipulation.

  1. What is Angular?

Angular ( aka Angular 2, Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7, Angular 8, Angular 9 ) is a Javascript framework to build more interactive and complex web applications. It is designed for both Web, Desktop and Mobile platforms. While, we create apps using HTML, CSS and Javascript, Angular requires us to know Typescript (a typed superset of Javascript that scales), kind of stricter version of Javascript provided with OOPS features. Although other alternatives could be Dart, typescript is the most widely used language for Angular apps.

Note: Typescript is not ES6 or ES7. Browsers do not understand typescript, so the typescript code is transpiled to javascript first.

Angular 1.0 vs Angular 2.0 vs Angular 4.0:

Angular JS or Angular 1.0 was released by Google early in 2011. It was used for building client-side web applications. Initially different versions of it were created to add extra feature sets and overcome limitations from old versions.

However, Google has completely rewritten the framework to meet the new needs of web applications and released what is called the Angular or Angular 2.0 in 2016. In fact, Angular 2.0 itself is written in Typescript.

Later, angular 4 and then Angular 5 are released with some extra features, developer productivity and small payload size with smart compilation technique.

SPA stands for “Single-Page Application” in web terminology.


SPA: a new era of web applications

  1. Why Single-Page Applications?

While traditional web apps require consistent rendering of data from server leading to a page-reload for every app request, the spa, however, avoid this performance issue by loading content on the browser using Javascript, so most of the work is done on the client-side.

If you are wondering whether the app is really a single page then, the answer is yes! there is only one URL or in simple terms, one HTML page as such, and everything is rendered on the same page, you can fill a form, click a link and do almost everything on that page.

Essentially, it creates an illusion of navigating through pages which in fact doesn’t happen in reality. This leaves the user with a reactive experience.

  1. Wondering how it happens in a jiffy?

Our prime saviour here is- AJAX. As spa’s heavily depend on AJAX calls to communicate with the server, the server responds not with the markup-data but with JSON. This is how the presentation layer ( View ) is separated from services making it more dynamic, lightweight, efficient and responsive to users by reduced page-refreshes.


  1. How do we create this SPA?

With the help of Some javascript frameworks, we are able to build fully functional apps.

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That’s not the end, there are many more. So, let’s start to simplify Angular now.

I know this is so much but thanks for making it till here, you are now about to embark on a journey through Angular .

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  1. React

Created by Facebook’s, React Library has earned huge popularity within a short period of time. In fact, it is used to design, develop and operate the dynamic User Interface of the complex web application pages with high incoming traffic. React work with virtual DOM and hence, the integration of the same with any application is easier than previous.

React.js (Introduction and Working)

Recent articles on React.js!


Introduction to ReactJS?

Let us understand this with a practical example:

Let’s say one of your friends posted a photograph on Facebook. Now you go and like the image and then you started checking out the comments too. Now when you are browsing over comments you see that likes count has increased by a hundred, since you liked the picture, even without reloading the entire page code. This count change is because of Reactjs.

React is a declarative, easy to understand, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It’s ‘V’ in MVC. ReactJS is an open-source, component-based, front end lightweight library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook.

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React uses a declarative paradigm that makes it easier to reason to implement in your web application and aims to be both efficient and flexible web development. It designs simple views for each layer in your application, and React will easily update and render the right components when your data changes. The declarative view makes your code more predictable and easier to debug.


A react application is made of many components, each responsible for rendering a small or large, reusable piece of data and HTML. Components can be nested within other components to allow complex and large applications to be built out of simple building blocks using big data. Components may also handle internal state – as an example, a TabList component may store a variable corresponding to the currently open tab.

NOTE: React is not a framework. It is just a library developed by Facebook to solve some problems that we were facing earlier.


How does it work:

While building client-side apps, a team at Facebook developers realized that the DOM is slow (The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) for HTML and XML documents. React manipulate the applications the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.). So, to make it incredibly faster, React implements a virtual DOM that is basically a DOM tree representation in Javascript. So when it needs to read or write to the DOM, it will use the virtual representation of it. Then the virtual DOM will try to find the most efficient way to update the browser’s DOM.

Unlike browser DOM, React elements are plain objects and are cheap and easy to create. React DOM responsible for updating the DOM to match the React elements. The reason for this is that JavaScript is incredibly quick and it’s worth keeping a DOM tree in it to speed up its manipulation.

Although React was planned to be utilized in the browser, because of its design it can also be used in the server with Node.js.

References : https://facebook.github.io/react/

  1. Vue.js


Vue – JavaScript Framework

Though developed in the year 2016, this JavaScript framework has already made its way into the market and has proven its worth by offering multifarious features. Its twin integration mode is one in every of the foremost engaging options for the creation of high-end SPA or Single Page Application. It is a way reliable platform for developing cross-platform.

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What is Vue?

Let’s start by defining what Vue.js is. It is a library for the view layer. This is what React is. Vue.js conjointly works with Virtual DOM which supplies it the performance it claims. It provides much smarter updates to DOM by only rendering what needs to be rendered.

Vue (pronounced like view) could be a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Before we have a tendency to start, we should ask the question of why Vue? There square measure loads of different front-end frameworks and libraries out there, but Vue newly came out.

Why Vue?

Well, the main difference between Vue and other monolithic frameworks is, Vue is wholly adaptable starting from its creation. Because the core layer is only focused on the view layer, Vue is easy to integrate into our projects. That means we are not bothered with long setup kinds of stuff. Moreover, Vue is highly capable of building powerful Single-Page Applications. The other reasons to choose Vue will be covered throughout the article.

Following topics will be covered:

  • Vue Syntax
  • Virtual DOM
  • The Vue instance
  • Components
  • Props
  • Slots
  1. Vue Syntax

The example syntax of Vue.js is HTML based which makes allows us to bind the renderer DOM the primary Vue instance data. Because all Vue.js templates are HTML based, they can easily be parsed by spec-compliant browsers and HTML parsers. On the opposite hand, Vue also uses the conception of Virtual DOM.

Virtual DOM merely simply a JavaScript object that represents the Document Object Model (DOM). Your application will update the Virtual DOM and never actually has to update the DOM directly. Most JavaScript libraries modify the DOM by implementing changes on the Virtual Dom.

Libraries as well as Vue.js uses Virtual DOM to track changes and apply them to the DOM

Vue check and compiles the templates ( view ) into Virtual DOM render functions. Using reactivity system, Vue is capable of automatically identifying the minimal number of components to be re-rendered and decreasing the DOM manipulations when the app state changes.

Connecting Vue.js

We can connect Vue.js to our project with CDN link or Vue user interface.

CDN link :

script src=”https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.5.22/dist/vue.js”

  1. Vue CLI

Vue provides an official CLI for quickly building Single Page Applications. It provides an everything-included setup for a modern front-end workflow. To use Vue command line interface you ought to transfer and install Node.js first. Then, head to Node.js Command Prompt to set up your project.

your path>npm i @vue-cli

When you install Vue CLI, you can go further and create a project:

your path>vue create ProjectName

You can leave everything default and wait for creating the project boilerplate.

Why is Vue so popular?

Basically, as a result of Vue has it all to form development swish and straightforward. Its light learning curve is that the 1st important issue. Vue is additionally light-weight, flexible, modular and highly performant. Moreover, Vue is surrounded by amazing tools, as well as efficient state management (Vuex) and routing (Vue Router) options. The framework offers incredible development speed thanks to a wealth of ready-to-use plugins that solve critical issues in every application, enabling quick and cost-effective product development. So let’s take a closer look at the key benefits of Vue to help you understand the potential of this popular framework better.

  1. Gentle learning curve

Developers agree that Vue is one amongst the best frameworks to be told and master. Before get started, you must need a few lines of JavaScript with a hint of HTML. One big advantage of Vue’s accessibility is that it makes finding competent developers and building a fantastic development team easier. Consequently, recruiting Vue experts is also less expensive.

  1. Well-defined ecosystem

Vue’s defined ecosystem is a massive advantage because it allows developers to choose a solution to a specific problem efficiently. They don’t spend hours on finding the best one. Moreover, Vue permits choosing solely the desired building blocks.

Vue may focus on the view layer, but with the help of Vuex, Vue Router, Vue Test Utils, and Vue CLI, it also provides recommended solutions to common problems. This, again, boosts development speed and unifies it across different projects. Since most projects use the same solutions, it’s also easier for developers to get started right away instead of wasting time on learning about these tools.

Vue’s incrementally adaptable ecosystem scales between a library and a framework, which makes it an optimal solution for any development project.

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