How to get started with Git on Linux?

  • By
  • January 10, 2024
  • Linux
How to get started with Git on Linux?

How to get started with Git on Linux?

Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS) that is commonly used for tracking changes in source code during software development. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 to manage the development of the Linux kernel. Git is widely used in the software development community for projects of all sizes. To use Git on Linux, you would typically install it using the package manager that is specific to your Linux distribution. In this blog, we will explore about how to get started with Git on Linux?


Git is not specific to Linux; it is a cross-platform version control system that can be used on Windows, macOS, and other operating systems. However, it is particularly well-integrated with the Linux software development workflow, and it is the version control system of choice for many open-source projects, including the Linux kernel. Due to this extensive integration within the Linux ecosystem; GIT is considered to be an integral part in the software development process on Linux.


Why is Git better than other SCM and DVCS programs?

Git is a free and open-source version control system, unlike many other programs. Git is crafted to efficiently manage projects right from very small to extremely large ones. It is also known for its swift performance and minimalistic footprint. Git is user-friendly and overpowers several SCM tools such as Subversion, ClearCase, Perforce, and CVS. Some of its standout features include cost-effective local branching, clean staging area support, and integration with various Linux workflows.  Git has now become the de facto standard for version control in the software development industry. Many open-source projects and large enterprises use Git, contributing to its widespread adoption. Due to all these factors, it is necessary to learn Git on Linux to start your software development career.


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Some of the important concepts to learn in Git SCM:

  • Repository (Repo): A repository is a collection of files and their revision history. Each project or software application typically has its own Git repository.
  • Commit: A commit is a snapshot of changes made to the files in the repository at a specific point in time. Commits are used to track the history of changes.
  • Branch: A branch is a separate line of development within a repository. You can create branches to work on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. Branches can be merged back into the main branch when the changes are ready.
  • Merge: Merging is the process of combining changes from one branch into another. When you have finished working on a feature branch, for example, you may merge it back into the main branch.
  • Clone: Cloning is the process of creating a copy of a remote repository on your local machine. This allows you to work on the project locally and contribute changes back to the remote repository.
  • Pull: Pulling is the process of fetching changes from a remote repository and merging them into your local branch.
  • Push: Pushing is the process of sending your local changes to a remote repository.


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Steps to get you started with Git on Linux:

Getting started with Git on Linux involves a series of steps, including installing Git, configuring your identity, and initializing a repository. Here’s a basic guide to help you get started:


Step 1. > Installation:

On most Linux distributions, Git can be installed using the package manager directly from your terminal. Open the terminal and use one of the following commands based on your distribution:

  • Ubuntu/Debian:  $ sudo apt-get install git
  • Red Hat/Fedora: $ sudo dnf install git
  • Arch Linux: $ sudo pacman -S git


Step 2.> Setup your Id: 

After installing Git, set your name and email address. This information will be associated with your Git commits:


$ git config –global “Your Name”

$ git config –global “”


Make sure your name and email are correctly listed. You can check your Git Id configuration using the following command:

$ git config –list 


Step 3.> Initialize a Git Repository

Navigate to the directory of your project or create a new one. To initialize a new Git repository, use the following command:

$ git init


This command initializes an empty Git repository in your current directory. If you want to collaborate with others or use a remote repository (e.g., on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket), create a remote git repository. You can learn and follow the instructions to create local and remote repositories through one of the best Online Git Training Classes.


Step 4.> Learn Basic Git Commands

Familiarize yourself with some essential Git commands on the Linux terminal. You can join online training courses for Linux to learn the most important Git Linux commands. SevenMentor Institute is one of the most prominent IT training institutes that offers excellent Linux Git Courses across India


Some of the command line prompts covered in basic Git Linux training include:

  • git status: Check the status of your working directory.
  • git log: View the commit history.
  • git branch: List and create branches.
  • git checkout: Switch between branches.
  • git merge: Merge changes from one branch into another.


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Step 5.> Explore Git Documentation:

Git has extensive documentation, especially for Linux-based operations. You can access this documentation using the following command:


$ git help <command>


You can also have a look at several web blogs that can help build and troubleshoot Git tools and processes during software development.


Step 6.> Join professional Git Linux Course:

If you are serious about a career in Software Development and are looking forward to using Git tools during software development you must consider exploring additional resources, tutorials, and guides. Professional training in the Linux Git system will help you deepen your understanding of Git tools and processes. There are many online platforms, such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, that offer hosting for your Git repositories and additional collaboration features. You can learn to leverage these platforms for your career and skill enhancement. By following these steps and exploring Git’s features, you’ll become more comfortable with version control and collaborative development using Git on Linux.


Additionally, you can join SevenMentor’s Git Linux Course to learn from industry veterans and get the latest and relevant knowledge of Git systems. We are rated one of the best IT training institutes and have several software development courses that cover Git curriculum in detail. Contact our trainers today to understand what is covered in our Git Training Program.


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To end for now, initiating your journey with Git on Linux is a straightforward process that involves installing Git, configuring your identity, and initializing a repository. This powerful distributed version control system offers speed, efficiency, and flexibility, making it the go-to choice for developers worldwide. As you become familiar with Git commands and workflows, you’ll unlock the ability to track changes, collaborate seamlessly, and manage projects with precision. Additionally, the wealth of online resources and community support ensures that your exploration of Git on Linux is both accessible and well-supported, laying the foundation for effective version control in your software development endeavors.

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