Interview Questions For HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • By Pooja Ghodekar
  • August 18, 2023
  • Web Development

Interview Questions For HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Learn the art of web development with HTML and CSS. Join our Front End Development course in Pune to craft stunning websites. Unlock your creativity and build your digital presence today! Go through Interview Questions For HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to become in any interview.

For HTML: 

What is the purpose of HTML? 



What are the semantic elements in HTML5? Provide examples. 

Describe the difference between inline, internal, and external CSS. 

How do you select elements with CSS selectors? 

What is the box model in CSS? 

How do you center align an element horizontally and vertically using CSS?


What is JavaScript and what are its main features? 

What is the difference between let, var, and const in JavaScript? 

Explain the concept of closures in JavaScript. 

How do you handle errors in JavaScript? 

differences between synchronous and asynchronous programming in JavaScript? Front-End Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript):
What is responsive web design? How do you achieve it? 

How do you optimize website performance in terms of loading speed and rendering? 

some additional interview questions on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: HTML: 

Explain the difference between a <div> element and a <span> element? How do you create a hyperlink in HTML? 

Explain the purpose and usage of the <head> tag in HTML. 

What is the HTML5 Canvas element and how can it be used? 

How do you create a form in HTML? Provide an example

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What are pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS? Give examples.
How do you override CSS styles defined by another rule? 

Explain the concepts of specificity and inheritance in CSS. 

What is the CSS box-sizing property and how does it affect layout? 


How do you create an object in JavaScript? 

Explain the concept of hoisting in JavaScript. 

How does the “this” keyword work in JavaScript? 

What is the purpose of the “use strict” directive in JavaScript? 

Front-End Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript): 

What is the difference between a relative path and an absolute path in web development? How do you add animations to elements using CSS?

Explain the concept of responsive images and how you can implement them. How do you implement a dropdown menu using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? What are some techniques for optimizing a website for search engines (SEO)? 

few more interview questions on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: 


What is the purpose of the <doctype> declaration in HTML? 

How do you include external CSS and JavaScript files in an HTML document? Explain the difference between the <span> and <div> elements in HTML. What are data attributes in HTML5, and how can they be used? 

How do you create a table in HTML?


What is the CSS float property, and how does it work? 

How do you center align an element horizontally using CSS? 

Explain the concept of CSS specificity and how it affects style application. What is the CSS clearfix technique, and when is it used? 

How do you create a responsive layout using CSS media queries? 


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What are JavaScript closures, and how are they used? 

How do you handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript? 

Explain the arrow functions in JavaScript, and how do they differ from regular functions. What is the concept of event bubbling and event capturing in JavaScript? How manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM ) using JavaScript? 

Front-End Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript): 

What is the purpose of a CSS reset or CSS normalization? How do they differ? How can you optimize website performance for mobile devices? 

Explain the concept of responsive web design frameworks and provide examples. How do you implement client-side form validation using JavaScript? 

What are the best practices for optimizing website accessibility? 

Explain the concept of hoisting in JavaScript. 

How does JavaScript handle asynchronous programming? Explain the event loop. What are the differences between classical inheritance and prototypal inheritance in JavaScript? How does JavaScript implement inheritance using prototypes? 

Explain the concept of currying in JavaScript. 

What are higher-order functions in JavaScript? Provide an example. 

How do you handle cross-origin requests in JavaScript? What are CORS headers? What are the different data types in JavaScript? 

How do you deep-clone an object in JavaScript? 

Explain the concept of function scope and block scope in JavaScript.

For More related questions do visit our channel: Click Here

These additional questions should provide you with a comprehensive understanding of HTML,  CSS, and JavaScript. Remember to practice coding examples and seek additional resources to strengthen your knowledge in these areas. Good luck with your interview preparations!



Pooja Ghodekar

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