Most Asked Questions in Python Interview

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  • January 27, 2023
  • Python

Guido van Rossum created the Python programming language, which was originally made available in the year 1991. It is one of the most popular and frequently used computer languages, and this is because it is interpreted. Python can easily incorporate dynamic semantics and scalable codes. Its syntax is straightforward and tidy, and it is also free and open-source so has better adoption. These features make learning Python simple for developers and coders. Python is now one of the most frequently used general-purpose programmings and supports object-oriented programming.

Python’s appeal is exploding because of its simplicity and capacity to perform various tasks with fewer coding lines. Because it supports complex calculations utilizing powerful modules, Python is also utilized in computer vision, artificial intelligence, website designing, web scraping, and several other fields. Python coders are in great demand both in India and internationally as a result of this. Businesses are ready to provide these programmers with incredible advantages and incentives. So get ready to crack the interviews and get the most high-paying Python programming jobs by learning from us and reading our most asked interview questions mentioned below.


1. Describe Python Programming Language:

Python is a powerful, interactive, object-oriented, and interpreted scripting language. It regularly incorporates English terms, which makes it easy to read and write. Python has fewer syntactic constructs than other languages, which also employ punctuation. Python is very flexible and has the capability to work on a variety of operating systems. Programmers can create software on Mac, Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc using the Python language.


2. What are the advantages of utilizing Python in coding?

Python is a general-purpose software program that stresses intelligibility and has an easy-to-learn vocabulary, which lowers the cost of routine maintenance. It accepts third-party modules, enables automation, is entirely open-source, and promotes modular and code reuse. For Quick development and deployment, its high-level data formats, along with dynamic binding and typing draw a sizable community of developers.


3. What do you mean by an interpreted language? Why is Python called as one?

Any scripting language that runs its commands line by line is said to be an interpreted language. Python programs don’t require a compiling phase before running because they can be run straight from the source code onto the machine.


4. What are tuples and lists in Python and what distinguishes the two of them?

Both lists and tuples are sequential patterns or structures in Python that may hold a collection of objects. Various types of information may be present in the items saved in the two sequences. Tuples are denoted by parenthesis, whereas lists are denoted by square brackets. The main difference between them is that although tuples are immutable objects, lists are changeable. This implies that although tuples stay unchanged and cannot be changed in any way, lists may be changed, added to, or sliced as needed. To verify the distinction, execute the following example on Python IDE.


5. What are the typical Python built-in datasets?

Python comes with several built-in types of data. While Python does not need explicit primitive data definitions during conditional statements, type mistakes are nevertheless possible if data type comprehension and interoperability are not taken into consideration. The following major categories can be used to classify these data types.

  • None Type: The Python language’s “none” keyword designates null values. These NoneType objects can be used to conduct boolean equality operations.
  • Numeric Types: Integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers are the three different numeric kinds. Additionally, a subtype of integers is booleans.
  • Sequence Types: Lists, tuples, and range structures are the three fundamental Sequence Types, according to Python Docs. The in and not in expressions are defined for traversing the components of sequence types. The priority of these operators is identical to that of the comparison operations.
  • Mapping types: Hashable values can be mapped to random objects in Python using mapping types. There is presently just one common mapping type, the dictionary, and mapping objects are changeable.
  • Set types: Python currently includes two set types that are the set and frozenset. The set type is changeable and is compatible with add() and delete() methods (). The frozen set type is permanent and cannot be changed after it has been created.
  • Modules: The Python interpreter also supports an extra built-in type called modules. Mymod.Myobj, where mymod is a module and myobj refers to a name defined in m’s lookup table, is the only special operation it supports. Although explicit allocation to this module is not feasible nor advised, the module’s symbol database is stored in a highly unique attribute of the module called __dict__.
  • Called-For Types: The kinds to which a functional call can be performed are the callable types. They can be built-in methods, functions, classes, instances, generators, and user-defined functions.


6. What do Python modules and packages mean?

Python supports modular programming through two mechanisms: packages and modules. The following term defines them:

  • Modules: Generally speaking, modules are just Python files with an extension that can include a specified and executed collection of functions, classes, or variables. The import statement may be used to import and initialize the process of import only once. Use from foo import bar to import the necessary classes or methods if just partial functionality is required.
  • Packages: By employing dot syntax, they provide a hierarchical structure of the module namespace. Similar to how modules help prevent name conflicts among global variables, packages do the same for name conflicts between modules.

Since it takes use of the system’s built-in folder structure, establishing a package is simple. Simply place the modules in a folder, and the folder name will serve as the package name. When loading a module or its components from this package, the module name must come before the package name, separated by a dot.


7. What is a pass command in Python?

In Python, the term pass represents a null command or a null operation. It is typically sometimes used to fill in blank blocks of code that may run throughout runtime but have not yet been written. The following program may encounter certain issues if the pass statement is not present.


8. What purpose does “self” have in Python code?

The class object is represented by self in Python code. You may access the class’s properties and methods in Python with this keyword. It connects the provided parameters and the characteristics. Self is a term that is used frequently and is frequently mistaken for a keyword. Although in Python, self is not a keyword, unlike in C++ its function can be similar.


9. What is the function of the Python-based unit tests framework?

Separate testing of each software component of the Python code is called the unit testing feature. Python’s unit test framework is used for unit testing of such software components. Just to give an explanation of this in your own words we provide you with an example. Consider a situation where you are developing software that utilizes the following three components: A, B, and C. Now imagine that at some point your software malfunctions. How will you identify the component that caused the software to malfunction? Perhaps component A failed, causing component B to fail, and this ultimately caused the program to fail. There are many combinations, and because of this, it’s important to thoroughly test each component. This will enable us to identify those units that may be particularly at fault for the software’s failure.

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10. What does Python docstring mean?

A multiline string known as a documentation string or docstring is employed to describe a particular code segment. The function or method performed by the code should be explained in the docstring.


11. What distinguishes lists from arrays in Python?

In Python, an array could only encompass things of the same data type or homogenous data types. It uses a far smaller amount of memory than lists and is a tight shell over C language arrays. The Python lists have data types which can be heterogeneous which suggests they can include components of several data types within them. Its drawback is that it uses a lot of memory.


12. How does Python manage its memory?

The Python Memory Manager module is responsible for controlling memory in Python. The memory that this manager allows for Python is in the format of a private stack buffer. This private stack is where all Python entities are kept and is unavailable to programmers. Python does, however, offer some fundamental API methods to operate with the private memory area.  Python also has a built-in debugger to reuse any memory resources for the private buffer area.


13. Python namespaces: What are they?

With the use of a Python namespace, object identifiers in a program are made to be distinct and conflict-free. Python handles these namespaces as databases with each namespace’s corresponding object serving as the key. There are two types of namespaces, they are:

Local Namespaces within a function that make up the local datasets. They are produced momentarily for a function call and cleared once the function completes.

The names in the global namespace come from various imported modules and packages that are currently being utilized in the project. Once the bundle is integrated into the script, it is formed and exists till the script is executed.

Built-in Namespace includes built-in Python key functions as well as unique built-in identifiers for various error categories.


14. Give an example of inheritance in Python:

Classes in Python already have the ability to acquire the characteristics of another class since it adheres to the object-oriented programming model. Inheritance is the name given to this mechanism. The feature of code reuse is provided through inheritance. Inheriting classes are referred to as superclasses or parent classes, while classes that do so are referred to as derived or child classes.


15. Give us the definition of Python scope resolution:

In Python, a scope is a portion of code in which an object is still applicable.

Every single Python object has a certain scope within which it operates.

Although namespaces are used to uniquely identify each object in a program, these subclasses also have a specified scope where their entities may be used without a prefix. Therefore, the scope defines the accessibility along with the lifetime of a variable in Python code.


16. What does a Python dictionary mean?

One of the available data types in Python is the dictionary. It consists of an unorganized group of components. Dictionary items are saved as public keys. Keys are used to index dictionaries.


17. What do Python’s local and global variables mean?

Any local variable within a function is referred to as a local variable, and only that function has access to it. Consequently, a global variable defined outside of a function is referred to as a global variable. This function is found throughout the program and may enable simple access to it.


18. What does Python’s type conversion mean?

Python offers you the much-needed type conversion capability, which allows you to change one data type into another one you require.


19. How can I establish a path variable and install Python on Windows?

  • Follow the instructions below to install Python on Windows:
  • Visit the download page and get the Windows version.
  • After that, install it on your computer by using the run command to locate the directory where Python has already been installed on your machine.
  • Go to the efficient process settings, add a new variable with the name PYTHON NAME, and then enter the path that was copied.
  • Find the path variable through a quick search, and change its value, after that select “edit” to change.
  • When there is no semicolon at the conclusion of the value, type%PYTHON HOME%.


20. Is lower and upper case important in Python?

Yes, the case-sensitive nature of Python is very evident. This indicates that, unlike SQL and Pascal, the code may give an error if there is a wrong case type used. Python’s features and function are distinct from the case-insensitive c0.


21. What do Python decorators do?

Decorators are used to add functionality to the previously existing function in Python without altering the structure of such function. Decorators are an essential function in Python code lines. These are generally termed bottom-up and are represented in Python by the @decorator name type.


22. Does Python require indentation while coding?

Python requires indentation as a component of its syntax, and it is mandatory. The scope and size of the chunk of scripts may be defined in some way in all computer languages. It is an indentation in Python. Because it makes the code easier to understand, Python presumably made indentation a requirement.


23. Does Python variables require that they be declared with their data types?

No. The Python Interpreter dynamically determines the data type of a property depending on the kind of value that has been given to it since Python is a dynamically typed language.


24. Is Python capable of supporting multiple inheritances?

Yes, Python offers users a wide variety of support for inheritance and its application, unlike Java. When a class is created in Python from more than one distinct parent class, it is called multiple inheritances. Users benefit from a lot of capabilities and features thanks to this.

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