Tips For Writing a Speech

  • By Ami Nandani
  • February 1, 2023
  • Personality Development
Tips For Writing a Speech

Tips For Writing a Speech

An important skill in our professional and personal lives is to introduce another person, especially a dignitary. Everyone is expected to be proficient but most are not. Generally, people aren’t comfortable when asked to introduce a speaker. It is more likely you are nervous and a bit uneasy about what is expected, and you at times do not even feel as if this might be the opportunity you were looking for to enhance your personality publically. Tips For Writing a Speech is a very critical point and one that you should work extremely hard on.

The section below contains tips that are useful to anyone looking to prepare a speech in half the time while doubling their impact:

Few crucial Tips for writing a speech:

  • Identify your object of giving the speech.. Why are you speaking?

The best way to answer this question is to know what your onlookers should feel like and know once you are done speaking. Without the purpose of the speech, you will be shooting around in the dark.


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  • Drawing the crowd’s attention 

You need to grab the attention of your audience right from the beginning. You have very little but important time to introduce your subject and show the reason to the crowd as to why they should listen. However, you’ll lose them and it becomes very hard to win back an audience you’ve lost if you’re flat or uninteresting. Also, it can happen that the crowd might have recently come from paying attention to another speaker and are as yet thinking about it. They might be in a fascinating discussion with a companion. They might be pondering adjusting their own discourse booked for later in the day. Since the crowd is there doesn’t mean they are all set to tune in. Maybe they came to be seen, lay down for a short rest, or getaway something different. You can inspire by giving a review of the converse according to the point of view of the crowd. This would narrow the gap between the spectators and the speaker and the crowd would also realize the utility of the speech for them. SevenMentor offers Soft Skills Training Courses & Personality Development Classes in Pune.

  • Knowing your audience.

Learn as much as possible about your audience because this will help you in preparing on how to deliver the speech. The language that you use and the illustrations that you will share will depend on the audience you’re speaking to. As you learn further about your audience, you will clearly understand the circumstances that brought them together. 

Tips For Writing A Speech

  • Define your clear message. What should your audience remember?

You will need to clearly mention the key take away of your speech. The audience will always be glued in to your speech only when they would think that there is something related/about them.

To hit the bull’s eye remember to focus on that 1 key message and you can make it easy to remember by :

  • Telling them what you’re going to tell
  • Telling them at the time;
  • And telling them what you’ve formally told them.


  • Supporting and establishing your keynotes. Develop the main part with one or two points supported by visuals, facts, numbers, or even a story.

Numbers, stories, and visual aids, are a sure-shot way to grab your audience’s attention and also make them remember your speech and clarify information in a fairly easy method.  But while using these you need to make sure that the audience can clearly see the visual aid; showing it only when you are referring to it.  While doing so you need to just take a glance at the aid once or twice but confidently talk with the audience while explaining.  Using visual aids can add to the length of a talk so here too you need to be precise with your data.  Additionally, if you have audience handouts, distribute them at the end of your talk if possible as an audience’s attention can shift easily to a handout instead of staying focused on you.



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  • A strong opening and wrapping with a strong ending.

The initiation and closure of your presentation are of utmost importance. The starting part is where you grab the audience’s attention and kind of try to glue them to your talk in order to ensure that they hear to the rest. The conclusion gives you a chance to leave a permanent impact that listeners take away with them.


  • Rehearse

It is a good idea to practice in a situation as close to the real one as possible, and in front of friends or family. Even though you have prepared well and rehearsed enough, you will be a little nervous but following the tips given here will definitely lessen your apprehension considerably. Also, think positively as you prepare, rehearse, and actually deliver your message. Positive thoughts can make a difference in the quality of your speech.


The second important point is making the guest/speaker especially welcome and while doing so we need to keep certain points in mind while introducing them:

Firstly, make sure that you know the name of the guest and its correct pronunciation.

Also, you need to be aware of the speaker’s title/ position. Do not turn around to confirm from them on stage.

Never ever read an introduction. Nothing can be more boring than seeing a presenter busy reading from a page.

You should be ready with the knowledge of what the speaker is going to speak on (the topic) instead of asking him on stage.

While introducing you should not use any slides or other such techniques otherwise it would seem artificial.

If there is a panel of speakers the format will remain the same, the only thing is that you would also mention the order of the speeches and the time duration set for each speaker.

Even though the speaker is a familiar face, still take time to give the details about the speaker.

And most importantly introduction should be brief for e.g. approximately 2-3 minutes.

The main objective of this scheme is to develop a critical mind, self-confidence and a commitment to society. Joun SevenMentor’s Best Personality Development Training in Pune.


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Let us also understand some of the welcome phrases that we can use at the start:

Welcome phrases:

    Warm welcome

    Hearty welcome

    Cordial welcome

    Amiable welcome

    Pleasing welcome

   Grateful welcome


For guests:

          Esteemed guests

    Respected guests

    Wonderful guests

    Distinguished guests

    Honored guests

    Appreciated guests

  • Along with this when we describe a personality we also need to be well-equipped with positive adjectives like famed, legendary, renowned, celebrated, fabulous, stunning, etc.



Ami Nandani

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