Trending Linux Interview Questions And Answers 2019

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  • November 5, 2019
  • Linux
Trending Linux Interview Questions And Answers 2019

Linux Interview Questions And Answers Blog [Part 2]

1: Which command find your hardware configuration and description of the local machine?


You can see your system hardware and configuration using the DMI table decoder (dmidecode).


2: How to mount an NTFS partition on Linux?


You need to use  “ntfs-3g” an external application also called “mount.ntfs” in order to mount ntfs.


3: What is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable?


It is used to give the RT Shared library loader extra directories to look for when searching for shared libraries.


4: Which command to use to get the Access, Modify and Change date & time of the file “myFile1”?


In order to get those times, you need to use stat myFile1 and look for the Access/Modify/Change information.


5: You want to save “mySQLDB” database to a file “mySQLDB.sql”, how can you do it?


You can use – mysqldump -u username -p mySQLDB > mySQLDB.sql


6: How to prioritize system resources per running process?


You need to run renice level <process id>, to change the nice of a specific process.


7: Which command is used to get the NS records of the domain “” from the terminal command line?


Use “dig NS” command.

dig command allows you to get specific domain information, such as Host, A, AAAA, NS, etc’ records.


8: You are running a tail -f on /var/log/messages file and looking for specific error, you want only the log that you saw to be printed into a local file “found.log”, how can you do it?


“tail -f /var/log/messages | tee found.log”


9: How do you check all the services that start/stop on each runlevel?


In order to check the runlevel services information for the run levels you need to use the chkconfig: chkconfig –list.


10: Which file needs to be edited to allow a user to run superuser commands without knowing the root password?


You can add that user specific (or all) access using /etc/sudoers file when you want to allow a user to run superuser commands without having superuser (or root) access.


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11: Which command is used to check which libraries are being used and needed for the binary file /bin/vi?


The shared libraries needed to run the binary application /bin/vi will be shown by command “ldd /bin/vi”


12: You want to install a new PERL module, what is the correct way to do it?


You can install new modules using the command “install Group::Module”. PERL has its management console cpan that allows you to do so.


13: How to enable jumbo-frame (9000) on a network interface eth0 in Linux?


In order to make it permanent you will need to add it to the ifcfg-eth0 file, for temporary purpose use ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000.


14: What is the use of following command “iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp –icmp-type echo-request -j DROP”


It is iptables rule added that will drop all PING requests to the server.


15: What is the use of the wine application on Linux system?


You can run windows applications on a Linux server/workstation using the wine application.


16: What is the Nagios system?


The Nagios helps identify and resolve infrastructure/network problems. It is an open-source monitoring tool/application.


17: You want to generate a random number in the terminal, how can you do it?


Generate a number string from the /dev/urandom – od -N3 -tu2 -vAn < /dev/urandom | sed ‘s/ //g’


18: You have a very secret file “TOP-SECRET.txt”, which needs to be deleted, how can you do it?


Use command shred -n 10 -z TOP-SECRET.txt.


19: You are in a directory /home/user/downloaded/ and you want to share the files in this directory quickly over web without configuring an httpd server, how can you do it with python?


The Python allows a quick httpd service called SimpleHTTPServer, and you can share the local directory you’re in using the command python -m SimpleHTTPServer


20: How do you send the command into background while running a command interactively?


To send a command to the background, use Ctrl+Z,  then type bg %JOBID in order to send that command to background.


21: Which command is used to compile a regular c application “myprog.c” and create a binary “myprog”?


In order to compile a c file to a binary file. run “gcc myprog.c -o myprog”


22: You have an application that creates a log file “myApplication.log” that grows 1GB a day. Which configuration will save only the last 3 days, on 100MB file each?


You will need to add a new configuration (/etc/logrotate.conf) to the logrotate service with 30 files of 100M each – 100M * 10 day * 3 days


23: How can you change in one command all the letters to lower case and output it to formattedLetters.txt given a file unformattedLetters.txt containing text in the form of “tHiS iS AN UnForMatteD tEXt”, ?


use cat unformattedLetters.txt | tr “[:lower:]” “[:upper:] > formattedLetters.txt”.


24: Which command is used to connect the files first.txt, second.txt and third.txt to one file all.txt?


You can cat the files together into an output file – cat first.txt second.txt third.txt > all.txt.


25: You have a file (myfriends.txt) with names list, and you want to know how many unique names you have in that file, how can you do that?


You can count unique names with: uniq myfriends.txt | wc -l


26: You want to run a binary file,  but it gives you “Access Denied”, what do you need to do?


In order to change a file mode, you need to add executable permission to the file using the chmod with the required parameters – chmod +x <filename>.


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27: How can you get the first column of all the rows from a CSV file “a.csv” into a new file called “result.log”?


cat a.csv | awk -F’,’ ‘{print $1}’ >> result.log.


28: You want to create 100 log files with the same text “Hello World” in it, how can you do it?


For i in `seq 1 100` ; do echo “Hello World” > $i.log ; done.


29: You have an xml file (myXML.xml) which is all in one line, how do you convert the xml into a well-formatted XML ?


use “xmllint” application – xmllint –format myXML.xml.


30: Which command is used to find and display only the differences between and myconfig.old?


use sdiff -s myconfig.old


31: Which configuration file is edited to set KDE to be the default desktop manager?


/etc/sysconfig/desktop file is edited to set KDE to be the default desktop manager.




32: In what conditions you will encounter a kernel panic issue?


When the system had found a critical error like – an error communicating with the hardware or a missing OS file, you will encounter a kernel panic issue.


33: What is an initrd image?


An initrd image is the initial ram disk image that is loaded into the memory after the POST in order to improve the machine’s I/O performance; it will contain a temporary root file system.


34: Which minimum partitions do you need for a Linux installation?


The minimum partitions that you need in order to install a Linux installation is two(2), root and swap.


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35: What is the recommended size for the swap partition to be (minimum size) if you have 2GB RAM?


The SWAP partition minimum recommended size is double to RAM and it can not be less than 32MB, therefore for 2GB RAM you should have 4GB SWAP.


36: After the init process has been completed, how can you add special commands to run?


In order to add a command that will run after the system finishes its initialization, you can add the command to /etc/rc.local.


37: How to set global environment and startup programs for all users?


You can add your configuration in the /etc/profile configuration file which holds the global profile parameters and is inherited by the users on login.


38: How to set the user prompt automatically to all bash users to look like [user@host][~]#


You can edit the /etc/bashrc configuration file to set bash configuration for all the users.


39: What would be the output of the command “ls -d /root” as a regular user?


The command will give you error message to access to the /root directory, permission denied.


40: What will happen if you run  “#reboot now” command?


the command “reboot now” would be ignored as the “#” sign states a comment.


41: Which command will run when you use “!l” after running “ls” then “id” then “who”?


It will run the latest command matching “l*” therefore it will run “ls”


42: What will happen if you type “for”?


It will be detected as a shell keyword. “for” is a shell internal command


43: How can you identify which shell are you currently using?


The system holds your shell name in $SHELL environment variable and you can print it using echo $SHELL.


44: What will be the effect of commands  “su root” and “su – root”?


When running “su root” you only change the UID and GUID and stay in the previous user current working directory, if you use the minus sign “su – root” you also initiate root user’s login and your current working directory will be in /root directory which will make the same as a real login.


45: What will be the effect of commands “cd /tmp && pwd” and “(cd /tmp && pwd)”?


the effect of first command, you will move to the /tmp folder, and stay there when the command ends, the effect of second command, where you go back to the starting directory.


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