What is Apex and its Features?

  • By Komal Wavare
  • July 26, 2023
  • Salesforce
What is Apex?

What is Apex and its Features?

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps organizations manage their sales, marketing, customer service, and other business processes. In the blog we will discuss What is Apex and its Features? is a proprietary programming language developed by Salesforce to build custom applications and functionality within the Salesforce platform.


Apex is a strongly-typed, object-oriented programming language that is used to develop custom applications and functionality within the Salesforce platform. It is similar to Java and C#, and its syntax is easy to learn for developers with experience in these languages. Apex code runs on the Salesforce servers, which means that it is executed in the cloud, and developers do not need to worry about hardware or infrastructure requirements. Join SevenMentor’s  Salesforce Course in Pune to know more about Apex.

Apex is used to build custom business logic, integrations with other systems, and automated processes within Salesforce. It is also used to customize the user interface of Salesforce by creating custom pages, tabs, and components. With Apex, developers can create complex applications that extend the functionality of Salesforce beyond its out-of-the-box capabilities.


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Key Features of Apex


Object-Oriented Programming: Apex is an object-oriented language that supports encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. This means that developers can create reusable code that is easier to maintain and modify.


Strongly-Typed: Apex is a strongly-typed language, which means that developers must declare the data type of each variable they use. This ensures that code is less error-prone and easier to debug.


Database Integration: Apex has built-in support for interacting with the Salesforce database. This makes it easy for developers to write code that reads, updates, and deletes data in Salesforce.


Integrated Development Environment: Apex is integrated into the Salesforce development environment, which makes it easy for developers to write, test, and deploy code within the Salesforce platform.


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Benefits of Using Apex:


Customization: Apex allows developers to customize Salesforce to meet the specific needs of their organization. With Apex, developers can create custom applications, automations, and workflows that are tailored to their business processes.


Efficiency: Apex can help organizations automate their business processes, which can save time and increase efficiency. With Apex, developers can create workflows and triggers that automate tasks such as lead routing, opportunity tracking, and customer follow-up.


Integration: Apex can be used to integrate Salesforce with other systems, such as ERP, marketing automation, and e-commerce platforms. This allows organizations to have a unified view of their customers and streamline their business processes.


Scalability: Apex runs on the Salesforce servers, which means that it is highly scalable. This allows organizations to handle large amounts of data and user traffic without having to worry about hardware or infrastructure limitations.


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Limitations of Using Apex


Learning Curve: Apex has a learning curve, and developers who are new to the language may find it challenging to learn. However, Salesforce provides extensive documentation, training resources, and a vibrant community of developers to help new developers get started.


Security: Apex code runs on the Salesforce servers, which means that it has access to sensitive data such as customer records and financial information. This makes security a critical concern when developing Apex code, and developers must ensure that their code is secure and follows best practices.


Debugging: Debugging Apex code can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex logic and large amounts of data. However, Salesforce provides debugging tools and best practices to help developers diagnose and fix issues.

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Syntax of Apex Program:

syntax of an Apex program in Salesforce is similar to that of other programming languages, with some unique features specific to the Salesforce platform. Here is an example of the basic structure of an Apex program:


// This is a comment in Apex


// Define the class

public class ClassName {


    // Define class properties

    private Integer myInt;

    public String myString;


    // Define the class constructor

    public ClassName() {

        myInt = 0;

        myString = ‘Hello, World!’;



    // Define class methods

    public Integer getMyInt() {

        return myInt;



    public void setMyInt(Integer newValue) {

        myInt = newValue;



    public void doSomething() {

        // Code to perform some action



In this example, we define a class called ClassName, which has two properties, myInt and myString, a constructor that initializes the properties, and three methods, getMyInt(), setMyInt(), and doSomething(). The syntax of Apex includes the following elements:


Comments: A comment in Apex starts with // and extends to the end of the line. Multi-line comments are also supported, using /* to start and */ to end.


Classes: Apex classes are defined using the public class keywords, followed by the class name and the class body in curly braces.


Properties: Class properties are defined inside the class body, using the appropriate data types and access modifiers (private, public, protected).


Constructor: A class constructor is a special method that is called when an object of the class is created. In Apex, the constructor is defined using the class name, followed by the constructor body in curly braces.


Methods: Class methods are defined inside the class body, using the appropriate data types, access modifiers, and method parameters. Methods can have return values or be void (i.e., do not return a value).

Do Watch our video on: What is Salesforce?

Simple example of an Apex program in Salesforce:



public class HelloWorld {

    public static void sayHello() {

        System.debug(‘Hello World!’);



This program defines a class called HelloWorld with a method called sayHello(). The method uses the System.debug() method to print the string “Hello World!” to the debug logs.


To execute this program, you could create an instance of the HelloWorld class and call the sayHello() method:



HelloWorld hw = new HelloWorld();


When this code is executed, it will print “Hello World!” to the debug logs. This is a simple example, but Apex can be used to create much more complex programs and functionality within the Salesforce platform.


Apex program in Salesforce:


// This Apex class creates a new Account record


public class CreateAccount {


    public static void createNewAccount(String accountName) {


        Account newAccount = new Account();

        newAccount.Name = accountName;

        insert newAccount;


        System.debug(‘New Account created: ‘ + newAccount.Name);



This Apex class has a single method createNewAccount that takes a string parameter accountName. The method creates a new Account object, sets the Name field to the value of accountName, inserts the record into the database, and logs a message to the debug log. This program can be called from within Salesforce or from an external system to create new Account records.



Komal Wavare

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