Do you want to run a company but not sure where to start?
Do you want to know digital marketing and how its funnels work?
Are you looking forward to freelance, or start a consultation in a digital marketing field?
Do you want to earn from blogging, but don’t know how to implement digital marketing?
Would you want to make 10 lakhs in a year but don’t have any clue how to create it?
“If any of the above questions’ your answer is yes, then i am here to help you. Here I will introduce you with some proven steps to succeed in digital marketing. And here are the key points”,
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How to Decide your Financial Goal
The Fundamental of Marketing
Building a Strong Brand
Great Product + Customer = Brand Ambassador
Communication Skill and Its Importance
Traditional vs Digital Marketing
Selection of Niche
The CATT Marketing Funnel
Integrated Digital Marketing
This informative article will also help you in understanding marketing and in-depth knowledge of digital marketing and how you can use this ability to construct your brand. So let’s understand how you can set a specific marketing goal and how you can achieve it
How to decide your Financial Goal:
Let’s assume that your goal is to make 10 lakhs a year, go through the following examples, it will give you a brief idea how you can do that.
Example 1:
If you have a product of 100 rupees then you require 10,000 customers in a year to earn 10 lakhs.
Example 2:
If you have a product of 1000 rupees then you require 10,00 customers in a year to earn 10 lakhs.
Example 3:
If you have a product of 10,000 rupees then you require 1,00 customers in a year to earn 10 lakhs.
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As examples, mentioned above you can make changes in your financial goal. Now you have set your financial goal, the next step is how to achieve it with Digital Marketing. Are you keen to learn more about it?? I know you are!! But before diving into digital marketing I want to make you familiar with what marketing is? Because Digital Marketing is just a medium or platform for your marketing. To be a good digital marketer first you need to know what marketing is. So let’s get to know the fundamentals of Marketing.
Fundamentals of Marketing:
Marketing is just not about how skilled you are in selling a product or service it’s also something about how you hit the right emotions in the customer’s mind using any form of marketing. These emotions can be anything, like gratitude, joy, fear, trust, disappointment. To know more about how hitting the right emotions in customers mind changes the whole game, let’s have look at the video advertisement released by British Airways, n this campaign was titled as “Fuelled by Love”. In this advertisement, the cabin crew meets an Indian passenger and develops a special bond with her. She later visits the passenger’s house in India and is astounded by the hospitality and care that she received there.
The campaign has demonstrated the two cultures coming together brilliantly. The video clip went live on the official website of British Airways and has been promoted to social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and YouTube. The campaign won an award in the united states and it has got more than 8.42 million views on the YouTube channel, and the feelings from the video could leave you in tears. Another important aspect of marketing is, sending the right message, to the right person at the right time. I am pretty sure that you must have observed that most of the e-commerce organizations run their ad campaigns on weekends or during the festival season, giving their customers good offers and discounts. This is because we mostly tend to shop on weekends or during the festival season. Let’s get a little bit deeper acknowledgment about marketing in our next point: Building a Strong Brand.
Building a Strong Brand:
Rather than focusing on how to make your business number one, focus on being the “only one”. Choosing your niche wisely, and becoming the leader in that field, and knowing where to compete, will make you win half of the game!! Let’s take an example of Amazon as it is a leading e-commerce organization. They have a dominant market reach as compared to any e-commerce company. Unlike this, if you cannot beat the leader, be a leader in a subcategory. Here, the Xiaomi smartphone’s example will help us to know more about it. Xiaomi is aware that they can’t beat a huge brand like Apple, as they are prime leaders in this field. They chose the subcategory i.e. budget smartphones as the big market opportunity was there, and know what, they are the leading budget smartphones company in India. In the next topic, we’ll discover how your customer becomes the brand ambassador of your product.
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Great Product + Customer = Brand Ambassador:
In simple words, a brand ambassador is someone who eats, sleep, and breathes your brand!! Nowadays we mostly prefer to buy a product on recommendation from others. We tend to trust their experiences more. Generally, human mentality does not trust easily or immediately but if that brand has quality feedback or reviews we tend to trust that brand for trying at least, and if we are satisfied with it we also recommend it to the others. Here we become Brand Ambassadors automatically!! You are stuck up to here, so I know that you are keen to learn more about it, so next, we are going to discuss most important thing, “Communication Skills”
Communication Skill and Its Importance:
Good communication skills affect your marketing game a lot. If you have good communication skills you are already a good marketer. Good communication skill doesn’t mean having sophisticated knowledge of any language. It simply means how effectively you can convey your thoughts to your customer. Know your target audience requirements and hit that spot!! Now let’s get an idea of what is the difference between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing.
Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing:
a) Traditional Marketing:
It is a type of marketing that includes using the medium like Print Media, Tv Media, Radio, and Outdoor Media for marketing. This medium is still widely used by large corporations.
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b) Digital Marketing:
It is the type of marketing that is targeted to the audience on the web. The different platforms of advertising are Search Engines, Websites, Mobile Apps, Social Media. It is growing at a very fast rate compared to Traditional Marketing. Another most important factor we are going to discuss is the Niche Selection.
Selection of Niche:
Niche selection is the first and most important step in starting your business. Niche is nothing but a combination of talent, passion, and market. Let’s assume that you are good at selling real estate properties and also you have a passion and market for it. You can select it as your niche as you have all three aspects which are necessary. While selecting your niche if you missed any of these three aspects, this business won’t sustain in the long run, so choose wisely!! Now moving to one of the most important points in marketing which is CATT Funnel.
CATT Marketing Funnel:
Wealth = n^ Catt
Wait!! Don’t get confused with the equation, like why I am including technical terms and what this equation is. It’s not that difficult. Let me explain.
n (Niche) :
Your success and how you will get profit from your business depends on what niche you are choosing. Choose a niche where you can put your product or service effectively in the market. We have already discussed it!
C (Content) :
As they say “Content is the King”. Create content that is informative, effective, and will attract your customers. It can be in various forms like blogs, articles, lead magnets, videos!!
An (Attention):
Drive the attention of your customers nothing but drive more traffic through social media platforms, SEO, paid ads, referrals.
T (Trust):
Build trust among your customers through tripwires, marketing automation, and retargeting. Nobody is likely to buy any product or service if they don’t find it effective or trustworthy. For that, you need to build trust among them by personalized messages with marketing automation.
T (Transaction) :
Convert your leads into sales, with a natural sales method. It does not include bombarding your customer with cold calls or emails and pushing them to buy your product. It is that you have chosen your niche, you have created effective content, you have attention and building trust among your customers then sales will happen eventually. In the next section, we’ll dive deeper to know more about digital marketing and how it can be used for your business.
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Integrated Digital Marketing:
Integrated Digital Marketing includes SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing, Paid ads.
a) Content writing:
Quality and engaging content is the key to successful marketing. If you have informative and engaging content on your blog or website your audience will keep visiting you to know more. Your content moreover should feel like you are talking to your customer, it must be engaging and informative.
b) Email Marketing:
People will subscribe to your newsletter through their email id once they visit your website or blog. Use this email id to send personalized messages, updates about your products and services. It will drive more traffic.
c) Social Media Marketing:
Social media is one of the most important platforms for digital marketing. It can generate a number of leads to your business if you use it correctly.
d) SEO:
If your website or blog is SEO optimized, then it will rank for the relevant keywords on Google Search Engine Page Result(SERP). In this way, new readers can also get to know about blogs or websites.
e) Paid Ads:
You can use paid ads to get more visitors or leads. This will help you gain the trust of your visitors. Once you are done with the paid ads, the next step is the conversion of the leads.
You have already got the number of leads, now it’s time to convert them into deals. You can use a sales page or sales call to convert these leads.

Shubham Singh Baghel
Digital Marketer
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