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  • July 28, 2022
  • Soft Skill
self understanding


Any emotional issue must be resolved successfully via self-understanding. Self-concept, self-esteem, and the ideal self are crucial components of self-understanding. This study focuses in-depth on these critical topics. Additionally, it offers techniques for bettering our own understanding of ourselves. It explains the significance of the teacher’s role in enhancing students’ self-esteem and assisting them in understanding themselves. 

One must thoroughly understand oneself in order to live a realistic, content, and genuinely optimistic existence. The self is not something that one finds; it is something that one makes. From a young age, we should be developed in the right way in order to shape our personality. In this regard, education must emphasize self-understanding. 

Self Understanding: According to the definition of “self-understanding,” it is the awareness and capacity to comprehend one’s own activities ” Any emotional issue must be resolved successfully via self-awareness.” 

The numerous facets of ourselves that we take into account are; Why Self-Awareness 

Benefits of self-awareness include: 

  1. Knowing exactly what is upsetting you as opposed to just feeling unpleasant. 
  2. You’ll then be able to start along the path of happiness as a result of this.
  3. You won’t feel lost because you will understand your place in life. Whether it be a relationship or a career. 
  4. strong comprehension of people; you will understand others better if you can better understand yourself. 

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Understanding oneself might be primarily focused on. 


  • 1. one’s bodily self
    Many people place a high value on their physical appearance and being physically healthy and powerful plays a significant role in how they define themselves.


  • 2. The social self.
    Even though she doesn’t have many friends, the ones she does have are incredibly close to her. She enjoys spending time and getting to know her friends well. This is a component of her social self, which is how she interacts with others.
    B is distinct from A in this instance as well. She has a tonne of friends and is frequently surrounded by people. She enjoys spending time among a party crowd. Her social self is still a component of her sense of herself, although it differs from ‘A’, S.


  • 3. The capable self.
    The ability to meet one’s basic requirements is a sign of competence.


  • 4. Internal self
    The sentiments and thoughts that a person possesses deep inside themselves are what is sometimes referred to as the psychological self. (Simply Psychology) When learning about oneself, one can gain insight into three key characteristics of oneself.



a representation or idea of who we are Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves.


the ideal version of ourselves


Self-esteem is the degree to which we regard ourselves, like ourselves, or approve of ourselves. We can have either a favorable or negative perspective of ourselves, and self-esteem always entails some degree of appraisal. 



How to understand self

1. Obtain a neutral evaluation 

from your personal network, personality tests, people skills, career assessments, learning preferences, etc.

2. Exercises in writing characters: 

To gain a sense of this, try responding to the questions below: How would you sum up who you are in three words? What role do you play in the story of your life? 

What has been the most significant event in your life? Etc.

3. Assess your advantages and disadvantages: 

By reflecting on your strengths and limitations, you can understand who you are and what is most important to you. Importantly, you should contrast your opinion of your strengths and limitations with the weaknesses noted by your family, friends, and coworkers.

4. Make a priority assessment. 

Your daily contacts and the things you value most in life can reveal a lot about who you are. Consider your priorities, the priorities of those people you respect, and the conclusions you draw. Then consider what these conclusions indicate about you. 


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5. See the changes you’ve undergone. 

Examine your past and reflect on what has transpired Your actions and thoughts now are a result of your life experiences. Considering your actions, 

Because our current actions are built on our past experiences, changing as a person can reveal a lot about why you act the way that you do. 

6. When you have intense emotions, examine yourself. 

You may occasionally experience extremely intense emotions such as anger, sadness, joy, or excitement. You can better understand yourself if you know what triggers these stronger-than-normal reactions and causes them.

7. Beware of transference and repression. 

Repression is the act of helping yourself to forget something that happened because you don’t want to think about it. When you emotionally respond to one thing while actually responding to something different, this is called transference. Finding out why you engage in these two highly prevalent yet unhealthy behaviors and learning healthier ways to manage your emotions will make you a much happier person.

8. Keep an eye on when and how you talk about yourself. 

Do you always make a point of talking about yourself in conversations? When you talk about yourself, do you ever make jokes about yourself? You should be aware of extremes and reflect on your motivations for doing so. 

9. Look at how you respond to challenging or unfamiliar situations. 

When times are very difficult, consider your past responses to situations where the stress was particularly high. Why did you respond in that manner? How do you wish you had responded? Would you behave in that manner now more frequently? 

10. Think about your inspirations. 

Whether you truly adhere to what they teach or not, the things that shape how you think and how you perceive the world can reveal a lot about you. You can better comprehend the source of the behaviors you do have by recognizing the influences that have influenced your conduct.

11. Prepare a biography. 

500 words should be sufficient for a 20-minute biography. This will force you to type quickly and worry less about the content you’ll provide, allowing you to discover the qualities that your brain values most when determining who you are.


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12. Allowing for self-reflection 


  • 1. Give up being defensive.
    People may actually aid in your understanding of and improvement in yourself if you are more receptive to conversation, criticism, and change.


  • 2. Be truthful to yourself.
    It serves no purpose to mislead you. Even if you come upon things about yourself that you truly don’t like, this just provides you the chance to confront those issues head-on rather than simply putting up with them.


  • 3. Take note of what people are saying to and about you.
    Consider the comments made in the past and seek out fresh perspectives on your actions.


  • 4. Give guidance.
    Giving advice will frequently provide you with a fantastic opportunity to consider your own issues and reevaluate them from a distance.


  • 5. Take your time, and live.
    But simply living life is the surest way to truly get to know oneself.

In conclusion, self-understanding takes time, and you’ll learn much more from living than you will from self-tests and interviews. Through a variety of tactics, teachers should assist students in understanding who they are at every stage of their education. They should also accept each student, their emotions, their history, and their behavior. It is crucial that teachers openly instruct students on how to have reasonable expectations for their abilities and identities.



Amar Shelke

SevenMentor Pvt Ltd

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